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Avoiding burnout: How to care for yourself when you’re caring for others

If you’re caring for someone with a serious illness, you know the road can be tough. Caregiving can wear you down emotionally and physically and make it hard to respond to others. Having the right support can make all the difference. Here are some tips to avoid burnout and be ready for the task of caregiving.

1. Know your limits

If you can understand your own needs, vulnerabilities and limits, you can anticipate and counteract stress. Here’s how:

  • Recognize when you can’t handle something alone. Learn to say, “I need help.”
  • Recognize the limits and changes in your physical energy. If you’re feeling run down, learn to say, “I can’t do that right now.”
  • Know the warning signs of excessive stress. If you ignore them, you could get seriously ill yourself, either physically or emotionally. Learn to say, “I need time to myself.”
  • Express yourself. If you’re dealing with complex emotions, it’s important to communicate your needs and wishes. Find someone you trust with whom you can safely share your feelings. It gets easier with practice.

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2. Take care of yourself

You’ll be a better caregiver when you emotionally replenish and nurture yourself outside the duties of caregiving. Be attentive to your:

  • Physical needs. Exercise, sleep and good nutrition all play important roles in reducing the debilitating effects of stress.
  • Emotional and social needs. Many studies show that social supports can decrease the effects of stress, so develop and use your support network. Learn more about the benefit of support groups in tip #4.
  • Spiritual needs. Caring for someone at end of life might bring up questions about the meaning of life and death. That is why hospice offers chaplains who support all beliefs. Learn more about the importance of spiritual support.

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3. Enjoy yourself

Caregiving is serious work, and it’s easy to neglect your need to play, celebrate life and show your affection for others. Keep these tips in mind:

  • Avoid the super-person syndrome. You can’t do it all. Decide what you can and cannot accomplish, and then negotiate a fair division of labor at work and at home.
  • Make time for yourself. Take regular breaks during the day to do something by yourself. Use days off to replenish yourself physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Seniors on a group therapy talking.

4. Attend a Support Group

Caregivers often express that the feel isolated or alone. Support groups offer a safe and confidential setting for you to express yourself and learn helpful information. They also allow you to connect with people who get where you’re coming from. HopeHealth offers free dementia and general caregiver support groups throughout Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Register for of our caregiver support groups today!

Are you a caregiver in need of support? Contact us at (844) 671-HOPE or We’re here for you.

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