Edye De Marco’s choice to name HopeHealth a beneficiary of in lieu of flowers donations in memory of her husband made a lasting impact.
Edye De Marco’s choice to name HopeHealth a beneficiary of in lieu of flowers donations in memory of her husband made a lasting impact.
To honor their mother’s memory, four siblings created specially-made patient gowns with pizzaz to donate to hospice patients.
Thanks to Daniel and Janice, two caring people who thought about the lasting impact they could have on others, many patients and families will benefit. Learn how they chose to plan for the future.
“HopeHealth is changing the conversation about death. Leaving a planned gift to an organization that means a great deal to me feels like I am supporting those conversations. Just as I want to take care of my two children, I want to take care of HopeHealth for the next generation,” said Mark Tracy, HopeHealth Board member.