Palliative Care

Palliative Care with HopeHealth

Palliative care is a specialized medical service that provides comfort and relief for those facing serious or progressive illnesses. Available from the time of diagnosis, it can be combined with curative treatments to help patients manage symptoms and improve their quality of life.

Our expert providers specialize in managing symptoms such as pain, breathlessness, and fatigue. We also empower patients and their families by explaining treatment options and guiding them through the course of their illness.

At HopeHealth, our compassionate team of certified nurse practitioners, physicians, social workers, and nurses brings extensive expertise in pain and symptom management. We are dedicated to providing personalized, empathetic care for every patient.

HopeHealth's Palliative Care Team

Our palliative team is comprised of compassionate nurse practitioners, physicians, social workers and nurses that are experts in pain and symptom management. Our medical providers are specially trained and certified in the medical practice of palliative care. Our team brings extensive experience in palliative care providing over 25,000 patient visits every year in Rhode Island and Massachusetts.

HopeHealth Hospice & Palliative Care is the major teaching affiliate for hospice and palliative medicine for The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University.

Learn more about palliative care services.

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“I came to understand that [palliative care] is a doorway to improving life, not the doorway to death. It fuels me with information and education that empowers me to keep moving forward.”

—Marlene McCarthy, long-time breast cancer patient

How We Help

We provide palliative care to patients in a variety of settings.

Does Palliative Care Mean Someone Is Dying?

Many people confuse palliative care with end-of-life care. But in truth, palliative care doesn’t mean someone is dying. It’s for any stage of a serious illness.

Read More about Does Palliative Care Mean Someone Is Dying?

Questions about palliative care?
Contact us at (844) 671-4673 or

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