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Candle Lighting A-D

A Lifetime of Precious Memories (Last Names Beginning with A-D)

Welcome to our sacred space, a virtual sanctuary crafted with love and intention. In the gentle glow of this digital candlelight, we invite you to embark on a meditative journey to remember your loved ones. As you engage with this luminous web page, take a moment to honor the memories etched in each virtual candle, weaving a collective tapestry of shared moments and enduring love. Each name is grouped in alphabetical order, please follow the button links below to find your loved ones name(s).

Anthony B. Abilheira Sr.

Helena Adamonis

John Adamonis

Earl Alarie

Dolores Albanese

MaryAnn Aldrich

Leona Allard

Alice Almeida

Anthony Almeida

Janet Almeida

Ernest Alviti Sr.

Bernice Amason

Jose Anastacio

Luis Anastacio

Lloyd Anderson

Robert Anderson

Lora Gene Aquino

Thom Armstrong

William Armstrong

Rita Augustine

Michael Avery

Allen Baert

Dennis Baert

Jeff Baert

Jerry Ball

Marion Ball Sr.

Robert Bamberg

Edward Barber

L. Jean Barber

David Barchi

Kilmeny Jane Baro

Oliver James Baro

Peregrine Gilbert Baro

Valancy Stirling Baro

Edward H. Barros

David Beatrice


Carol Beaulieu

Donald Beaulieu

Agnes Beaumier

Donald Beaumier

Dot Beaumier

Joan Beaumier

Julia Beaumier

Leonard Beaumier

Roy Beaumier

Cherie Beaupre

Marian Beck

Harry Bejian

Marilyn Belanger

Billy Bell

Bruce Belvin

Tara Bennett

John Bentz

Carlos Alberto Berrio

Paul Bessette

Michelle Bibeault

Roger Bibeault

Louis F. Bigos Jr.

Jerry Bonstrom

Norman Borsvold

John and Adelaide Botelho

Geraldine Bourget

Maurice Bourget

Leonor Braddock

Thomas W. Bradley

Diane Bragg

Kathy Branca

Anthony Brittingham

John F. Brittingham

Sharon Brittingham

John Brittingham Jr. (Jake)

Anna Brown

Deborah Brown

Emily Brown

Frederick Brown

Connor Bruno

Hylda, Michael, Jane & Mary Buckley

Nancy T. Bugbee

Joachim Bullacher

Aniello Ralph Buono

Mary Buono

Fred and Helen Burgess

Ronnie Burke

Barbara Burns

Bruce Burns

Robert and Dorothy Burrows

Craig Butler

Mitzi Butler

Kevin Cabral

Anthony C. Calcagni

Alice Callender

Gloria Calligano

Mary Jane Campanale

Richard Cannon

Helen Capone

Jorge F. Cardenas

Anne Marie Cardone Bisulca

John D. Cardosi

Nancy Cardosi

Patricia Cardoza

Douglas Carney-Hauser

James Carroll

Robert P. Carvalho

James Casala

Jean Celletti

Joseph Celletti Jr

Debra Cerroni-Kravitz

Lillian Chalmers

Henry Charbonneau

Donnie Chatman

Andrea Chauvin

Arthur L. Chetlain

Richard E. Chicoine

David Choquette

J. Walter Choquette

Phyllis Choquette

Leo Cirello Jr.

Trisha Clark

Trisha Nicole Clark

Dorothy Coates

Kenneth Coates

John Coates Jr.

John Coates Sr.

Joseph R. Coelho Jr.

Wayne Coffin

Barbara J. Colbert

Clifford Cole

Evan Conlon

John Conlon

Joan Connery

Ray Connery

Kathleen & John Connolly

Pauline E. Corbett

Ginette Corriveau

Joanne Corry

Gloria Cortez

Ann Corvese

Louis Corvese Jr.

Dorothy Costa

Russell Costa

Fatima Costello

Michael Cotta

Christine Coughlin

Gerald Couture

Lucille Couture

Charles Creamer

Lorraine Creamer

Robert Creighton

Florence Cribari

Kellie Cronin

Carol Crowell

Joseph Crowell

Charles and Kay Cummiskey

Anita Cunningham

Al Cusa

Jeanne D'Arezzo

David Dagosrino

Patrice Daigneault

Douglas Dame

Natalie S. Danielson

Nilda Amador de Badillo

Michael Deady

Peggy Decker

Randy Decker

Randy Decker (jr)

Evelyn Deering

Trudy Delory

Frances Demalderis

Sandy DeMicco

Marie Ange Deschamps

D. DeSimone

Doris DeSimone

Jean E. DeSisto

Norman Desjardins

Mary Dias

Adalgisa Diserio

Aaron and Lois Dixon

Steve Dixon

Devan Donohue

Jillian Donohue

Benedito DosSantos

John E. Downey

Priscilla Drummond

Emile and Yvonne Dube

Sgt. Jonnathon R. DuClau

Michael Duclos

Robert D. Dunley

Darlene Dunn

Josephine (Pina) Duva

Charles Dyer

Nancy Dyer

Janette Brophy

Philip Cameron

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