HopeHealth Invitational

The 2025 HopeHealth Golf Invitational will be held on
September 8 at the picturesque Rhode Island Country Club in Barrington.

This event benefits the Arthur S. Robbins Hope Fund, a crucial initiative that provides financial assistance to hospice patients who are uninsured or underinsured, ensuring they receive compassionate end-of-life care. The Hope Fund ensures that HopeHealth can care for all eligible hospice patients, regardless of their ability to pay.

2025 Sponsors

Presenting Sponsor

Sarah Latham

Golf Ball Sponsor

Post-Play Reception Sponsor

Citizens Bank sponsor logo

Lunch Sponsor

Dr. Mayer A. Levitt & Judy Levitt

Eagle Sponsors

Brown Medicine logo

Delta Dental sponsor logo

Robert Rustermier

HopeHealth Invitational Committee


Keith Kelly
Earl Lundh, Jr.


Greg Caldarone
Stuart Feldman
Sam Havens
Kate Collins
Mayer Levitt
Ed Martin, MD, MPH, FAAHPM
Steve Soscia

Have questions or need more information? Call Helena Carvalho at (401) 415-4206 or email Giving@HopeHealthCo.org.

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